Hi there! 👋🏼 I just had the opportunity to be on 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘛𝘌𝘙 𝘊𝘜𝘓𝘛𝘜𝘙𝘌 𝘔𝘖𝘔 𝘚𝘏𝘖𝘞 with Tina Griffin and talk about the correlation between 5g radiation, the covid J@B, and how this is going to be revealed as a DEADLY problem in the months to come. May it help you and your family! Check it out on any of these platforms.
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Information on Books by Orlean Koehle Ten Percent of All Sales Goes to National Eagle Forum
Unmasking the Masquerade, Vol. I, The Ten “Ps” for Loss of Liberties and Turning the World Upside Down – A Tale of Two Viruses: If you are questioning the truthfulness of the government narrative about the pandemic and the vaccines, there are two recently published books that should answer all your questions: Unmasking the Masquerade Vol. and Vol. II.
The purpose of Vol. I is to lift the mask and reveal the truth of this plandemic masquerade, how it was carefully designed and orchestrated years ago to do exactly what it is doing: trample on freedoms, destroy economies, shatter lives and rapidly turn the world upside down, reshaped into a socialist state perfect for the launching of the globalists’ goal – “The Great Reset” – a new name for Agenda 21/2030 and the New World Order. Volume I has 484 pages and costs $35 (but discounted when you buy both volumes).
Unmasking the Masquerade, Vol. II, “The Charge of the Vaccine Brigade,” shows Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci leading the charge on their horses with their vaccine needles in their hands. The illustration was done by local Redding artist Robert Exter. The book answers many questions about the COVID jabs, which many doctors say should not be called vaccines at all, but experimental gene therapy,” as they alter your RNA and DNA. The book tells of the hundreds of thousands of adverse reactions following the jab, some very severe, and the many thousands of deaths. Orlean also tells of the vaccine injury of her own nephew who has been diagnosed with a very aggressive M.S. (multiple sclerosis) after just taking one dose of the Pfizer jab. The book has 317 pages and sells for $22.00. Both Volume I and II together sell for $45.00.
California’s Water Crisis – Agenda 21 – Do You Smell a Fish? Whether flooding or drought, we are told by our “fearless” leaders that there is a water crisis going on in California? Is this a real crisis or a man-made crisis, caused by wacky environmental policy, where water from our rivers and lakes is being flushed into the ocean to “supposedly” save endangered fish rather than the endangered farmers and ranchers? Read what is really behind this drought and who benefits in Orlean Koehle’s book titled California’s Water Crisis – Do You Smell A fish? – Agenda 21. The book explains what UN Agenda 21 is, followed by Agenda 2030, and how the water crisis is helping to fulfil their many goals. The book has 335 pages and sells for $25.00, but reduced to $20 for Christmas sale.
“Whooa Nellie!” 5G Dangers and Deception of Powerful, New Wireless Technology: 5G technology is being touted as being so fast, you can download a movie in 6 seconds instead of many hours. The high tech companies trying to sell it to us say it is perfectly safe, but they are not telling the truth. With its high 60 plus gigaherz frequency range, 5G is classified as a military weapon. It is what the army uses in their lasers shooting from an ADS (Active Denial System) weapon for crowd control. This book gives the true warnings by expert doctors and scientists about the harmful effects of 5G on the body. It also tells of how 5G laser beams were seen in the devastating fires in Santa Rosa, CA in 2017, and in Paradise, CA in 2018. Is that why the homes looked like they had been destroyed by bombs with all metal melted and the cement foundations pulverized to a fine powder? The book was published in 2019, has 396 pages and sells for $25 – reduced to $20 for Christmas sale.
America Needs Revival Not Revision: “This concise booklet exposes the facts that you need to know to help stop an Article V Convention, which could result in a constitutional Pandora’s Box, unleashing a runaway, liberal trashing of the Constitution that would sacrifice even more of our individual rights and state powers to an all-powerful central government,” written by the late Phyllis Schafly in 2015.
The book has since been updated to 2021. The last chapter gives a scenario of just what such an Article V convention could be like, with, in all fairness, “everyone having a seat at the table.” All of the amendments – no matter what group – liberal or conservative – could be adopted and accepted, even those wanting to do away with the Constitution and adopt a new one, already written and ready to go. It shows just how easy a “runaway convention” could take place. The book is a warning to not let that happen. It has 161 pages and costs $15.
Islam Rising, Christianity Waning in Europe and the USA, published in 2019 by Christian Faith Publishing Company. It tells the story of when Orlean Koehle was teaching a unit on Islam in the 7th grade, as a substitute teacher and was so shocked by the pure propaganda promoting Islam and putting down all other religions especially Christianity and Judaism. Orlean later traveled with her husband to Europe in 2016 and was appalled to see how many Christian churches are now no longer being used, either sold as museums, concert halls, or Muslim Mosques. This book is to serve as a warning of the same thing happening in America, the more we allow the whitewashed history of Islam to be taught in our schools. The book contains the true story of Mohammad and Islam and how opposite Islam and Sharia Law are from Christianity, Western Civilization and the U.S. Constitution. It has 520 pages and sells for $41.95.
Just Say No to Big Brother’s Smart Meter, A wireless Radiation Bio Hazard: The book tells of the two-year battle and eventual success that members of Eagle Forum of California were part of to win an opt out from forced smart meters on their homes. The smart meters were being “deployed” (a military term) on homes and apartment buildings, without any say from the owner or renters. The book tells of the hazards and harmful health effects that can happen to the residents from having a smart meter on your home with its pulsed radiation. It also tells of the data that is being gathered from your home, and how this is all part of the plans for AI technology and the Internet of Things.
The book also tells of the role that smart meters played in the fires in Santa Rosa in 2017 that destroyed 5,000 homes and the fires in Paradise in 2018 that destroyed 17,000 homes and buildings. It has 376 pages, has been updated to 2019, costs $25.
Latest books dealing with important current events – the COVID plandemic, the mandated vaccines and the continual water crisis in California:
Unmasking the Masquerade,
Vol. I,
The Ten “Ps” for Loss of Liberties and Turning the World Upside Down –A Tale of Two Viruses:
If you are questioning the truthfulness of the government narrative about the pandemic and the vaccines, there are two recently published books that should answer all your questions: Unmasking the Masquerade Vol. and Vol. II.
The purpose of Vol. I is to lift the mask and reveal the truth of this plandemic masquerade, how it was carefully designed and orchestrated years ago to do exactly what it is doing: trample on freedoms, destroy economies, shatter lives and rapidly turn the world upside down, reshaped into a socialist state perfect for the launching of the globalists’ goal – “The Great Reset” – a new name for Agenda 21/2030 and the New World Order.
Volume I has 484 pages and costs $35 (but discounted when you buy both volumes).
Unmasking the Masquerade,
Vol. II,
“The Charge of the Vaccine Brigade,”
shows Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci leading the charge on their horses with their vaccine needles in their hands. The illustration was done by local Redding artist Robert Exter. The book answers many questions about the COVID jabs, which many doctors say should not be called vaccines at all, but experimental gene therapy,” as they alter your RNA and DNA. The book tells of the hundreds of thousands of adverse reactions following the jab, some very severe, and the many thousands of deaths. Orlean also tells of the vaccine injury of her own nephew who has been diagnosed with a very aggressive M.S. (multiple sclerosis) after just taking one dose of the Pfizer jab.
The book has 317 pages and sells for $20.00.
Both Volume I and II together sell for $45.00.
California’s Water Crisis –
Agenda 21 – Do You Smell a Fish?
Whether flooding or drought, we are told by our “fearless” leaders that there is a water crisis going on in California? Is this a true crisis or a man-made crisis, caused by wacky environmental policy, where water from our rivers and lakes is being flushed into the ocean to “supposedly” save endangered fish rather than the endangered farmers and ranchers? Read what is really behind this drought and who benefits in Orlean Koehle’s book titled California’s Water Crisis – Do You Smell A fish? – Agenda 21.
The book explains what UN Agenda 21 is, followed by Agenda 2030, and how the water crisis is helping to fulfil their many goals.
The book has 335 pages and sells for $20.00.
California’s Water Crisis – Do You Smell a Fish? (335pages)
$33.00 -
By Stealth and Deception (671 pages)
$43.00 -
Just say NO to Big Brother’s Smart Meters (376 pages)
$33.00 -
America Needs a Revival…(188 pages)
$20.00 -
Common Core-A Trojan Horse for Education Reform(190 pages)
$20.00 -
Hidden C’s of Common Core (360 pages)
$33.00 -
Islam Rising, Christianity Waning in Europe and the USA 520 pages
$45.00 -
Whooa Nellie!” 5G Dangers and Deception of Powerful, New Wireless Technology

Bio of Author: Orlean Koehle grew up on a farm outside of Roberts, Idaho (near Idaho Falls). She graduated from Idaho Falls High School, served as Miss Idaho Falls, and after graduating from college at Brigham Young University, she taught school at a junior high in Idaho Falls. She taught speech,
drama and journalism.
Since 2002, Orlean has been serving as the State President of Eagle Forum of California. Eagle Forum is a national, pro-life, pro-family, pro-traditional American organization with the motto “For God, Family, and Country.” She has also been an active member of Santa Rosa Republican Women,
serving in many leadership positions including 1 st vice-president in charge of programs and co-president. She has also served on the Republican Central Committee for many years.
In 2004, she was honored by Brad Dacus of Pacific Justice Institute as their “Faith and Community” recipient for her many years in public service and for a battle she led to stop a very progressive education program in the Santa Rosa Public Schools called “A Week of Diversity,” which was really a week of indoctrination, promoting every possible far-left agenda imaginable. It included a very inappropriate secret assembly that was presented to 1700 students
called “Sex and Stuff,” with no notification to parents and no opt out granted to students. It took a two-year petition drive and the filing of a law suit to finally get a firm policy written that has stopped any future such assemblies or “week of diversity.”
In 2006, Orlean founded and served as the first president of the Sonoma County Land Rights Coalition, to help protect rural property and water rights against overbearing government regulations. She began doing research that led to her writing her book, California’s Water Crisis – Agenda 21, Do You Smell a Fish?
Orlean is very proud of her American heritage and that, on both sides of her family, her ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War. She grew up with the example of patriotic parents who showed their love for their country through service. Her father was in the army and also was a member of the city council and served as mayor. He also ran for Congress. Her uncle was an Idaho State Senator, her mother was an active member of the Daughters of the American
Revolution and Republican Women.
Orlean has always had a love for the U.S. Constitution. She would like to preserve the God-given freedoms of our nation that it has protected, that is why she wrote the book America Needs Revival Not Revision. the Dangers and Risks of an Article V Convention.
Orlean is the author of eight other books: Looking at Lincoln, the history of Lincoln, Nebraska; The Golden Rule School, which seeks to bring morals, ethics, and character education back into the public schools; By Stealth and Deception, USA Transformation and its Parallel to the European Union, which exposes the hidden history of the United States over the past 100 years; Just Say No to Big Brother’s Smart Meter, which tells of the dangers of Smart Meters and the two year battle in California, which Eagle Forum was part of, to be able to get an opt out ruling from the California Public Utility Company. In updating her book on smart meters, she discovered all that is going on with the 5G Rollout – mostly quietly behind the scenes and wrote her latest book “Whooa Nellie!” 5G Dangers and Deception in Powerful, New, Wireless Technology.
Orlean wrote two books exposing the top down, federal education program called Common Core: Common Core, theTrojan Horse for Education Reform and The Hidden C’s of Common Core (updated to 2017). In 2012, she started Californians United Against Common Core (CUACC.org).
As substitute teacher for a two-week 7 th -grade history class on Islam, she became very concerned about the obvious pro-Islam indoctrination and the anti-Christian slant. After a trip to Germany in 2016 where she saw the after effect of 2 million Muslim refugees on Germany, she began writing her book Islam Rising, Christianity Waning in Europe and the USA. It was published in 2018. An updated version will soon be published by Christian Faith Publishing.
She has also written a collection of small booklets: 1) a three act play called Lessons Learned from Our First Thanksgiving; 2) Why the Electoral College? 3) What a Novel Idea – Getting Back to Morals and the Golden Rule to Stop School Violence; and 4) “The Rigged System”- Widespread Election Fraud in the USA.
Orlean and her husband, Dr. W. Kurt Koehle, PhD, live on acreage outside of Santa Rosa, CA. Kurt is formerly from Southern Germany, where he and Orlean lived for several years when they were first married. Kurt is a retired administrator for Sonoma State University. They have six children and eight grandchildren.
Orlean Koehle can be contacted at caleagle@sbcglobal.net or by phone at 707-539-8393. Her books can be ordered
from this website or some can be found on Amazon. Go to Amazon books, author Orlean Koehle.

A Closer Look at Common Core!
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Common Core – A Trojan Horse for Education Reform
Common Core - A Trojan Horse for Education Reform A book by Orlean Koehle, State President of Eagle Forum of California and former teacher, Director of Californians United Against Common Core, CUACC.org “Common Core State Standards Initiative” is the latest education...
What Can we do to Fight Smart Meters and Smart Grid
Become aware – gain knowledge. Do your own research, so you are thoroughly aware of the rightness of your cause . • Take a stand against the smart meters in your own area. If you don’t yet have a smart meter, put a sign on your old analog meter such as the one...
By Stealth and Deception,
gives an up-to-date account of the clandestine transformation of the USA that has been taking place over many years and is now on fast track under President Obama, moving the United States closer to a UN Agenda 21 socialist regime, with centralized, regional planning...
California’s Water Crisis – Do You Smell a Fish? by Orlean Koehle
New Book – California’s Water Crisis – Do You Smell a Fish? by Orlean Koehle In July, 2015, Orlean attended a water agency meeting in Santa Rosa, held because of California’s long drought and “water crisis.” She learned of some of the stringent restrictions and...
Despite heavy spring rains, the state of California insists on continuing its “water crisis mode.” But what is the real agenda behind this manufactured drought? We’ll be talking property rights, Regionalism, and Agenda 21 with a leading activist.
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